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Tomatoes are high in vitamin C which boosts the immune system as well as having a fair amount of fibre which is beneficial to the digestive system. The canning process of the tomatoes actually destroys some of these nutrients making it less beneficial to the body. The best thing to do is to buy fresh organic tomatoes and use for your cooking.

There are many foods which can be included into your diet to reduce inflammation in the joints especially if you’re already a sufferer of arthritis. Omega 3 fatty acid rich foods such as mackerel, salmon, linseed, flaxseed and sardines have been shown to reduce inflammation in the joints and cut down symptoms of arthritis. Moreover Vitamin D has been shown to reduce the pain of arthritis and inflamed joints. Try and eat Vitamin D rich foods such as tuna, salmon, mackerel mushrooms, low fat yogurt and boiled eggs.

Some vegetable oils can be harmful to our health if used excessively; however there are a few healthier alternatives

There are some fats which can be included in a healthy diet. For example fats like Omega 3 are vital to our health and are present in many oily fish (salmon, sardines etc.). Omega 3 fatty acids helps fight off bad cholesterol and reduces inflammation in the joints. Furthermore monounsaturated fat also helps maintain cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of heart disease. Olive oil is an example of plant based oil which is high in monounsaturated fats.

It sounds like you have a weak immune system. Eating immunity boosting foods joint with regular exercise can fight common colds and flu. Here are some foods which are beneficial for boosting your immune system:

  • Garlic -It gets rids of the body toxins, bacteria and viruses boosting the immune system.
  • Turmeric-Relieves the body of toxins. It has been researched that those who consume turmeric have a lesser chance of getting a cold/flu.
  • Dark leafy greens– Dark leafy greens like Kale and Spinach contain vitamin C which strengthens the immune system and quickens your immune response to pathogens.

Only 70% of our body is made up of fluids; therefore, every system in our body depends on water to function properly. There are some fruit juices which contain a high amount of water such as watermelon (90% water) and other fruits like oranges and grapefruits. However water provides us with all the benefits we need without any sugar or calories which are in fruit juices. If you do consume fruit juices drink in moderation to avoid drinking too much sugar and make sure its fresh.

Only replacing one meal a day with a smoothie actually may help lower your calorie intake, increase your hydration levels and fibre intake. Although it shouldn’t be drunk for all meals of the day because it doesn’t give your body the required amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to thrive and because of its sugar content.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, avoiding it can be harmful to your health. Whether walking, on the train, or before you leave your house, breakfast can still be eaten. Here are a few examples of what you can have:

  • Greek yoghurt and granola
  • Fruit and vegetable smoothie
  • Yoghurt with nuts, seeds and fruit
  • Wholegrain bread with almond butter and a piece of fruit

Foods rich in processed polyunsaturated fat as well as Trans fat are harmful to health. It can tremendously increase the bad cholesterol and trigger type 2 diabetes if eaten excessively. Here are some bad fatty foods that should be eaten in moderation or avoided:

  • Potato chips
  • Very sweet cereals
  • Crackers
  • French fries
  • Margarine
  • Deep fried foods

There are two types of carbohydrates. Good carbs are usually filled with fibre which avoids spikes in blood sugar levels. Examples of good carbohydrates are vegetables, beans and fruit. These carbohydrates also promote weight control. On the other hand, bad carbs which are refined/processed like white bread and white rice promotes weight gain, causes spikes in blood sugar and has less beneficial fiber.

Fruit and vegetable supplements are not intended to act as a food substitute. Therefore they wouldn’t provide all the required nutrients found in whole fruit and vegetables. Research shows that all the nutrients from compounds come from whole foods not supplements as essential nutrients are missed out in fruit and vegetable supplements. Try and eat all the colours of the rainbow until you discover fruit and vegetables that you like and can include into your daily diet.

The fish you consume should be a healthy source of protein with heart-healthy omega 3 fats in it. Mackerel, Wild salmon and sardines are some examples of good types of fish packed with omega 3 fatty acids to protect your heart and reduce inflammation as well as protein.

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